
Blogs may not be hosted at naked domains. Please add a top level domain error solution

Blogs may not be hosted at naked domains (ex: Please add a top-level domain ( or subdomain ( Support page link

Blogs may not be hosted at naked domains. Please add a top level domain error solution

Are you also getting such error when you are adding custom domain name on your website, today we are going to know how you can fix this error.

Blogs may not be hosted at naked domains (ex: Please add a top-level domain ( or subdomain ( Support page link

It wants to say that if you want to add a domain on blogger, then it should be a custom domain of your own, for example, if your domain name is, then you will have www. Have to add, when you add by putting it, it will be yours

When we registered the custom domain of our website with it is further processed, so you can also fix this problem like this

If you are trying to host your blog on a naked domain (e.g., but encountering an error, you can resolve this by adding a top-level domain (TLD) such as "www" to your domain (e.g.,

This error occurs because many web servers are configured to redirect traffic from the naked domain to the www subdomain or vice versa. So if you try to host your blog on the naked domain, the server may not be able to handle the traffic correctly, resulting in an error.

To fix this error, you can either set up a redirect from the naked domain to the www subdomain, or you can simply use the www subdomain as your primary domain for hosting your blog. 

To set up a redirect, you can use a domain registrar or a web hosting service to configure your DNS settings and create a redirect from the naked domain to the www subdomain. Alternatively, you can use a web server software such as Apache or Nginx to create the redirect.

Once you have set up the redirect, visitors who type your domain name without the "www" prefix will be automatically redirected to the correct subdomain where your blog is hosted.

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